Sunday, August 15, 2010

Book Review: The Jesus You Can't Ignore

[I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program.]

MacArthur takes us through the four gospels, particularly looking at Jesus's interactions with the Pharisees. In a day when the "Christian" world is intent on not defining truth or taking stands on issues, MacArthur has brought as back to the quesiton, "What did Jesus do?" And when we look at how he interacted with the religious false teachers of His time, we see that His "harshest words were reserved for the institutionalized religious hypocrisy." After reviewing Christ's life and the way in which He combated against false truths, it is clear to see that we are not to simply smile and nod at false doctrines, half-truths, and flat-out lies.

This is an important topi today. I mean, we are bombarded by the media, politics, talk shows, and even our friends on how we should be more accepting of other beliefs, or not question their walk with God. As long as it is "right for them" or they are "at least going to church somewhere," we become okay with that. But, if we really love others like Jesus did, we will speak the truth that is clearly seen in the Bible opening and honestly. Because really, this is life or death - heaven or hell.

This was not only a great book expositing Jesus' life from all the gospels, but it was a start reminder of how important truth is to God. I would recommend this book to anyone.

1 comment:

Audrey said...

we have this and I want to read it but I really need to finish holiness by grace first so i don'thave half reads going! It's interesting how you get in your mind a viewpoint of Christ that can be inaccurate at least for me anyway, I know I am still learning more about Christ to know I so don't know how awesome His person truly is. so I'm tired and best stop typing...:) this will probably make even less to me in the morning...stop typing audrey must go to bed...