Sunday, January 24, 2010


This month has seen some improvements in our house.

Improvement #1. For the past 7 months, this has bothered me:

Many things are wrong. The TV stand. The accumulation of cords visible to the world. The entire blah-ness of the corner. Closer up:

Every time I cleaned (notice the dust rag), I realized something needed to be done. So in one of my organizational trips to the store, I bought a cheap shelving system to create a less-claustrophobic space and to help organize some other randoms that were lying around the house.

Though not a perfect fix, a definite improvement to the use of this space.

Improvement #2. For three-and-a-half years we have had this TV.

Oh wait until you see the side view:

Wood panelling baby. I have no doubts that this was from the 1980s, but it was free and it was larger than the TV I had at the time. It has been perfect for us, but for about a year we have been talking about making the jump to a 21st-century TV. And, we did.

Our new toy should last us for years and we are still marveling over the picture quality. I mean, really anything would have been better than what we had, but this is amazing. Come on over anytime! And, now we have a TV in the guest room...visitors are welcome anytime!

I can think of many other improvements we could make. Living room furniture. Kitchen table. A house that we own. But for now, I am enjoying these small things that have made a big difference.


Anonymous said...

So... you got a shelving unit for your stereo system, but I don't see it on your new shelf. Sounds like a ploy to me. :) Mrs Y.

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas said...

dang girl, you've got some styyle!!! Wanna come fix my house up? =) we're just talking about our same problem with the stereo/cords/components....SIGH. Wish I could come over and see it in person!

Audrey said...

love the cube shelfy thing!!! I'm hoping Mitch will make me a couple small cubes for the kids room, I love cute, organized and functional!!

jnet said...

we are looking at TVs. what did you get? plasma? LED? and how did you decide?