Friday, September 12, 2008

Dear Mr. Obama

I saw this at Our Lives in a Nutshell and wanted it to share it with you because it is something we need to hear. The following video was NOT paid for by McCain, but by the speaker in the video.

It would be grand if we could vote based on what we hear on the news, in the paper, and online. It would be shocking if candidates would only speak on what they were going to do and why; instead of demoralizing the opponents and the other party. It would be comforting if we thought the candidates were going to do what they said they were. Since we don't have those guarantees, we vote based on our convictions, opinions, and the information we gather to educate ourselves on who, of the two, would lead our country better. I have formed my stance. All I plan to do now, is provide information to those who may not be informed, so they can also vote for the best candidate.

It is comforting to know God will not be surprised with our new choice in President. Please remember to pray for our country.


jnet said...

that made me go "hmmmm". thanks for sharing heather!

jnet said...

that made me go "hmmmm". thanks for sharing heather!

jnet said...

that made me go "hmmmm". thanks for sharing heather!

jnet said...

well obviously...i didn't wait long enough for this to leave a comment....maybe i should watch it 3 times :)

The Feather Files said...

J'net - i don't mind. it looks like i have lots of comments!