Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Dear Kansas

Dear Kansas,

On Monday we drove over a hill and really liked it. Could you please grow some more of those?

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Most of you know by now that the midwest is not my favorite place on earth. For so long I have loathed the flatness, the yellowness, the nothingness. But as it seems to have me in its grasps, for now at least, I have had to make adjustments in my mind and actually have found things to appreciate about the prairie and the town in which we now reside.

The big sky. For years, Hubs has encouraged me to look up at the sky. I am an early riser and now take Ransom walking right as the sun is rising. The sky turns all sorts of beautiful colors. Now, during the day, during the night, and even during storms, I find myself gazing up at the sky and being amazed at its vastness. This is how I can see God's greatness in, what I consider, a boring land.

The sunflowers. Right now, there are fields of sunflowers along the highways. These huge happy flowers always make me smile and are very pretty against the bright blue sky.

The church. I do not think we would be happy here if we did not have a church where we are weekly fed the word of God. I have always felt as though church was an extended family and here we are with young couples our age, going through the same life experiences, learning to serve God through their marriage and actions.

Starbucks. I have to admit that Starbucks is a huge comfort. Laugh if you want, but I love taking Ransom with me and just sitting outside reading and studying while he lays by my feet. He strikes up great conversations with interesting people; it is one of my favorite things to do.

I will always prefer trees and hills to wide open spaces, but I am glad that I can now look up and appreciate the big sky. I am also glad that scenery does not make one feel at home, and instead, our friends, my Hubs, and our church make us feel at home.

I am also thankful that Hubs likes to travel.

What do you like most about where you live? I'd like to know, especially those of you who live in the midwest.


Laura said...

i'm so glad that you've learned to love the plains (unlike someone we know and will remain nameless! :)). i LOVE Nebraska!! i've always loved the wide open spaces, the big sky and the sweeping fields. i love being able to see the skyline miles away in every direction. trees and mountains make me feel clastrophobic after a while - weird, i know. :)

The Feather Files said...

not weird, just you. i feel exposed when i see for miles. i would much rather be confined in the tall shady trees.

Shanle's said...

well, since moving down yonder, we now get to appreciate the beautiful palm trees, tropical flowers and other rare trees... the birds are also tropical. if i sit outside and close my eyes, i can almost picture myself in hawaii or mexico again... it sounds and smells so peaceful. i only wish we had the ocean right outside our back patio.

i'm a big fan of mountains. they feel so majestic and i can feel the presence of God amongst them. however, by not living there, i don't take them for granted as i might if i saw them daily.


jnet said...

what i like about the midwest? the fall colors, and crisp autumn air. when driving across nebraska, although i am usually anticipating seeing mountains, i have come to enjoy watching the clouds over the plains, the way the sun lights up the green grass or golden fields, an old run-down barn or windmill setting out in the middle of no-where.
i like wide open space, but it is usually by a lake, or on top of a mountain.