Friday, March 5, 2010

Crock Pot Crap

As a high schooler, anytime I knew that Sunday's lunch was cooking in a crock pot, I searched for friends to go out to lunch with. I groaned when I knew I was coming home to eat a roast.

I really wasn't sure why I even registered for a crock pot when we got married. Crock pots meant no flavor. Hubs also was not a fan of roasts, so for 2 years our crock pot sat in the cupboard. Then my Hy-Vee man talked me into trying a roast. I did it; it didn't turn out well, but I was willing to try again.

Now, as a working wife of 3 1/2 years, I love finding tasty recipes made in the crock pot. And, I love my roast - Hubs likes it too! Perhaps just knowing I did not spend 45 minutes in the kitchen dirtying many pots and pans contributes to the flavor and fondness of the dish. I don't think that it tastes bland, but actually has tons of flavor - thank you lipton soup packets. It is such an incredible relief to come home on Thursday from work (Thursday is our busy night) and know that dinner is cooking and I have time to do other things. I should clarify that I only cook the meat in the crock pot, so I do still have a little bit of preparation for the veggies.

I have tried some nasty recipes in my crock pot. I have also not mastered how to cook everything in there. But, I am content with my 2 good recipes and I hope that in 20 or so years my children will not cringe when they learn supper is in the crock pot!


Audrey said...

ha!!! it's funny to see our family's "crock pot crap" saying on your blog!! oh the days when the big mac meal was large sized and only 2.99....

Nikki Moore said...

we were given three crockpots for our wedding. I have yet to use even one of them. I guess I like cooking too much...I'm sure a day will come when I'll use them a lot more!