Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Happy Birthday Pop-pop!

They tell me I came up with the name Pop-pop. It stuck and that is how his is known in our family. Today is his birthday.

My childhood is filled with great memories of times spent with Pop-pop and Gram. He taught me about the center of gravity while I built towers with my blocks. He took me fishing and camping and to Disney World! He tells me about his adventures and I love all his stories.

Sadly, I don't see them very often anymore. They enjoy the warm Texas weather while we freeze. I have wonderful memories of times when we all lived in the same town, though. And, I am very excited that we get to visit them over Thanksgiving this year! It seems so far away.

Happy Birthday! I'm so glad you are my Pop-pop and I love you.


Steph said...

How sweet! Happy bday to Heather's Pop-pop!

Steph said...

How sweet! Happy bday to Heather's Pop-pop!